Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homecoming is right around the corner!!

Hey class of 1993! Once again we hope you are all getting excited for the 20 year reunion events. Here are some more details.  The Homecoming assembly is just 9 days away.  We hope you are all planning to attend.  September 21, 2012 at 9:00 am at the highschool. This is what is going on then:

Several short skits on TV shows. The skits will spotlight teachers still there (Extreme Makeover), AFV (a movie about our day), ESPN (competitions alumni Vs. young ones) Project Runway (young ones wearing our stuff), SFF News (crowning new royalty) and more. We have a place for everyone at the end doing So You Think you can Dance (a flash mob of the electric slide).

Everyone attending the Homecoming assembly should wear red on that day.

There will be a rehearsal (catch-up session) the night before at 7:00 pm.

And (drumroll please...) the big reunion is announced:
Provo Riverside Country Club, next July 20, 2013.
Stay tuned to this blog and the facebook page for more information as the reunion comes closer.

If you have questions or comments please leave them here or on the facebook page, and as always please forward this information to any classmates you have contact with.

See you next week!!


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